Tag Archives: cleaning supplies tidy

Wednesday September 4, 2019

It’s our mid-week dump day again. I have books and other just trash and recycles to go. Less stuff. Yay!


C – CLEANING SUPPLIES/WARDROBE – We currently use a wardrobe as a broom closet, the cleaning supplies in its drawer and the tray underneath need to be tidied. (5 minutes)

H –

M – MAIL – There are asst. items here which need to be mailed, get one of them packed up and gone! Beads boxed up for a friend. Have a book, pin and gift card to go out today too! 9/9/19 (5 minutes, to box up the beads, 5 more minutes to wrap the gifts, still need to box these and then address both boxes) 

R – RAG DRAWER – Tidy and organize the rag drawer, things have gotten out of hand! (10 minutes)

W – WORK IT OUT – The new pantry baskets arrived today, 3 of them. They fit where the old baskets were, and work — and don’t quite. It took some time to figure out how to use them to their best advantage and ours.

The new baskets are too wide to go where the old ones did without being either too high to reach or in the way otherwise. The solution is use fewer baskets (2) to hold the potatoes and onions and replace the other basket which held plastic bags with the large one. (15 minutes)

[x][x][][]||[][][][]|| (10 minutes uncounted)


I put away the clothes, etc. on the top of the washer & dryer. The time is counted on the day I assigned the task. I put aside a second batch of tomatoes. (1 hour) LEVEL 2: Systems/food.


Culled: 2 pieces of hobby equipment,  books, 4 pantry baskets, a hole-y pillow case, a pair of curtains,

Used/Found a New Home: a cardboard carton,