Tag Archives: items to trash

New Idea

Looking at the stuff here, I realized we have two or three major types of loose stuff, floating clutter.

  1. Project pieces for projects which are put off, midway, or planned.
  2. Stuff for sale which hasn’t been put up for sale, or sold, yet.
  3. Things we want to keep, but don’t have a designated home.

The 3rd I dealt with using the china cabinet. See here. The 2nd is in process, but that process is both overwhelming and going to take some time. The 1st hadn’t been dealt with. It is now.

We decided this morning that the downstairs “bedroom” will hold project pieces/supplies. That makes sense as it holds the end of my craft supplies.

The trunk which went with the auction person Tuesday had been storing project fabric: for chair upholstery, cushion covers, and curtain tie backs. The fabric became small piles around the living room and kitchen when I emptied the trunk. That’s now been boxed and “put away.”

I boxed the tweeds, labelled the boxes and put them away. The fabric is no longer on the edges of the kitchen or in the living room. Yay! I need more boxes to finish cleaning up the decorating fabric, but that will remove more from the dining room as well as the last of the loose fabric in the living room. That’s done.

I started boxing up books in labelled cartons: keeps, donations, to antique booth, to antique auction, to book auction, and trash.

I have 3 boxes of fabric and 5 boxes of books. I have 2 more boxes of books, etc. to go to the antique store and the beginning of yet another box to go to the antique auction…